What is Telemedicine?

Telemedicine in the Italian National Health Service

Health care services through Telemedicine officially entered the opportunities offered by the Italian National Health Service in December 2020.

The following is the definition provided by the Italian Ministry of Health:

"Methods of delivering health care services, through the use of innovative technologies, especially Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), in situations where the health care professional and the patient (or two professionals) are not in the same location."

Telemedicine can be described as a digital evolution of traditional medicine, indeed it supports and integrates the latter, using information and communication technologies.

Telemedicine’s goal is to strengthen health care giving it more technological, dynamic, efficient and closer to people and, as a consequence, to improve prevention, diagnosis, therapy, monitoring and management activities.

Telemedicine services established by the Italian National Health System

Telemedicine services currently provided according to the Essential Levels of Care are the following

Telehealth visit

This is a kind of medical act where the doctor and the patient are remotely connected in real time. Practitioners are responsible for choosing in which situations and to what extent telehealth can be used in favor of their patients, also using telemedicine tools for the activities of detection, or remote monitoring, of biological parameters and clinical surveillance.


It is a medical act in which the professional meets at a distance one or more physicians to discuss the patient’s clinical situation using primarily shared clinical data: reports, images, audio-video regarding the specific case. The purpose of teleconsultation is to share medical choices about a patient by all the professionals involved.


A healthcare activity where two or more professionals with different responsibilities relative to the specific case connect remotely, usually to make a request for support in performing a specific work.


 A doctor’s report of a patient’s clinical or instrumental examination, the content being typical of in-person reports, which is written and transmitted by digital and telecommunications technology.


 Healthcare service aimed at supporting proper performance of care activities, mainly performed at home. Teleassistance is primarily scheduled and repeatable according to specific patient care programs.

Our Telemedicine Services


Biotechware has its own Medical Reporting Center and provides tele-reporting service for the following cardiology tests:

Biotechware Reporting Center is a guarantee of:

  • Professionalism and expertise
  • Clarity
  • Quality


Our Teleconsultation Service can be requested through Biotechware Cloud Platform and allows real-time comparison between two or more physicians regarding a defined clinical case.


Biotechware Teleconsulting Service can be requested through our Biotechware Cloud Platform and allows Physicians and healthcare providers to discuss a specific clinical case in real time.